
I'm thankful for a hardy chuckle right before falling asleep last night. Hubby and I had a little trouble sleeping so as usual I put some of our therapeutic grade essential oils from Young Living on myself then on Hubby. I swear this stuff gives me so much comfort like you'd see in a Vick's commercial except without all the synthetic ingredients. Suddenly I remember my nail polish and I went to the bathroom to check and sure enough some came off. I decided not to tell Hubby and let him find the red stains in the morning and I had to LOL to think how perplexed he'd be wondering if he was bleeding. He ended getting up for a leak and asked me what I was chuckling about and I told him and it turned out no polish got on him after all. Hardyharhar


This picture is seriously a beauty to me right now because I discovered on Tuesday I had lost my house keys and I had no idea when and where I could have lost them. I even went to the park that we went to on Sunday afternoon to check if there's any sign of it. I prayed to the Lord Tuesday night, last night, today. I thought maybe they might show up in the mail from the war amps tag on I got them that some good samaritan might put them in the post, oh, but would it? And when might it show up? Finally I found them!

So off we went for Mexican food tonight and I felt so much lighter. And there was Mexican pop at the restaurant. Yay! I've been wanting to try it for the longest time but never seen it around and finally today I have tasted this drink all the way from Mexico.